Tuesday, March 17, 2009

24 Season 7 episode 14 - 900 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.

Jack sends a photograph of Burnett's killer to Renee. She identifies the man as John Quinn, an operative for a private security company called Starkwood, which is being investigated by Mayer. Jack travels to Mayer's residence, and they discover that Starkwood helped Juma attack the White House in exchange for an unmonitored area in which Starkwood could develop and test a biological weapon. Moss discovers that Renee contacted Jack, and orders her arrested...


Anonymous said...

Simply wonderful! But like I always say, how can I wait another week to know what's gonna happen?
Thanks again for posting this!

Unknown said...

thanks for posting but its not the complet where is the rest of episodes? can u plz tell me where i can see them?

Anonymous said...

@internet: It's not easy to see the episodes before they're eving being aired on american television. So, if you want to see them before that, I suggest you start working for FOX television who creates the show.